Our School

Greetings Hill scholars and families!

What makes Hill unique is that teachers and staff provide an inclusive and diverse environment for all of our 270 students. We make sure that each and every student arrives to school everyday to succeed by communicating and collaborating with their peers in our inclusive school climate.  Hill was named a 2018 California Honor Roll School for high achievement in student success and college readiness. We strive to help every student achieve success.

Hill provides an exceptional learning environment for all students, including:

  • 1:1 computer to student ratio in second through sixth grade with kindergarten and first grade students using iPads as part of daily instruction  
  • An extensive line up of free tutoring and intervention opportunities based on student need
  • After-school robotics class teaches students computer coding & digital literacy as 21st century scholars
  • Amazing visual and performing arts program and Disney Musicals in School program
  • Boys & Girls Club offers after-school activities in art and athletics
  • Fun activities during recess including volleyball, tennis, baseball, and parachute games
  • Field trips that bring learning to life
  • Supportive & engaged PTA parents plan fun events, host fundraisers, and support new programs 


Every year, we celebrate the successes of our students through regular awards ceremonies

  • Our Trimester Awards consist of a plethora of different prizes, highlighting how achievement comes in different forms. These awards motivate students, showing them that they can achieve anything! The principal's award is given to students by the principal for overall achievement. We also have the Accelerated Reading award, given to students who meet their personal reading goal. Our awardees are known as the "Reading Rockstars." Hill also gives awards for students who satisfy state standards in certain subjects. These awards are for Excellence in Math, Excellence in Reading and Excellence in Writing. 
  • The Monthly Awards are given to those with an Excellence in Citizenship and Excellence in Participation! First and second grade students receive the Accelerated Reader award. Our Character trait of the month winners are given Brag Tags for working with compassion, empathy and teamwork. Each character trait changes monthly, giving students many opportunities for character building. Teachers and staff also keep the excitement at an all-time high through the distribution of PBIS tickets for being responsible, safe and respectful. These tickets can be used for popcorn parties, treasure boxes and lunch with principal. Finally, we give the monthly Kid President Award, based off the internet famous video! It is awarded to students who are consistently kind to others. It is awarded once a month and presented at the flag deck for students and families to join in on the fun. Hill students always work hard and exert the 21st century skills they have learned for these monthly prizes!

Hill has a phenomenal school environment as accommodations are made for every students' needs on a daily basis. Our school is unique in the sense that we have a program promoting inclusiveness. It is a lunch recess program half an hour long for primary and upper grade levels where all students play together. Our hardworking Boys & Girls club staff supervises and engages the students in various activities throughout the week. Activities are alternated as well, sometimes daily or weekly to switch up the routine and embrace diversity. Students learn communication and friendship as they are taught to engage in fun activities with others who are different from them. Hill strives to promote acceptance and levity every day as a means to enhance our children's academic experiences.

We look forward to a safe and memorable school year with you all. For questions or concerns, please visit us at our front office!

Principal's Message

Principal's Message


It is with great excitement that I return as the principal of Hill Elementary School. As I enter my sixth year, I look forward to continuing to build relationships with our students, families and community. Hill Elementary is a great school with a dedicated staff, motivated scholars, and supportive parents and families. This year I would also like to welcome Mrs. Summer Hughes on board as our new Assistant Principal. She will be a great asset to our school. 

We are excited for the 2024-25 school year. We have a lot of work to do in the classroom. We will continue to offer both before and after school intervention as well as enrichment opportunities for all students. Teachers attended their summer professional development training and are ready to get to work!

We will also continue to build our ASPIRE program and focus on supporting students' social emotional learning. Our Wellness Room continues to be a hit amongst students and staff and our ASPIRE team works to build relationships with all students. If you do have concerns with your child's mental health or emotional well-being or need resources for your and your family, please contact the school and we will get the support you need. 

The relationship between school, family and community is so important for a successful school experience for children. We offer many activities and committees that we hope you join in on. I encourage parents and family members to get involved by joining our PTA, English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), or School Site Council (SSC). Any amount of help is wanted. 

Beginning Friday, August 16th, we will host our monthly Flag Deck ceremony on the blacktop at 8:45 am and all parents and family members are invited to attend.  We also hope you will join us for our Back to School Night, Chuck E Cheese nights, Star Night, Skate Night, Disney musical play, Open House, the return of International Night, and many other events happening on campus.  Please make sure you join Parent Square to keep up to date on all the happenings on campus.

As always, if you ever have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact the office or myself,

I look forward to our continued work together. Go Hounds!

Please call the school office for any assistance. 714-663-6561
Mr. Toby Vares, Principal
Email: tvares@ggusd.us 


Toby Vares
Principal, Hill Elementary
Garden Grove Unified School District


Please call the school office for any assistance. 714-663-6561
Mr. Toby Vares, Principal 
Email: tvares@ggusd.us



Bus Schedule


Hazard and Ontario         8:13 A.M.

Titus and Jennrich            8:10 A.M.

Jennrich and Moran         8:15 A.M.

Oasis and Glitter              8:05 A.M.

Oasis and Bedford           8:07 A.M.

School Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday       8:35 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.

Wednesday                                                 8:35 A.M. - 2:10 P.M.